Tutuka Power Station Waste Classification

Project Details:
Client: ESKOM
Discipline: Environmental and Scientific Studies
Category: Energy
Location: Standerton, Mpumalanga
Key project Details: Waste Classification Assessment and development of the Material safety data sheet for the waste in the Ash Disposal Facility in Tututka Power Station.

Thero Services has taken on a pivotal role in Scientific Process in their appointment by ESKOM for Environmental services: Waste Classification Study in Tutuka Powerstation.

The scope included audited various waste streams in line with National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) of 2011, the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), 1998 (Act 107 of 1998), and the National Environmental Management Waste Act (NEMWA), 2008 (Act 59 of 2008), as amended, and the regulations thereunder.  The wastes streams audit was in support of the Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan (IWWMP) developed for Tutuka PowerStation.  The audit aimed to assess Tutuka Power Stations’ waste streams and identify the requirements that must be adhered to for the management of the waste streams that can pose a significant environmental risk to the power station.

The Project Deliverables

  • Development of the Waste Classification Management Report for Tutuka Power Station.

  • Preparation of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for all Waste Streams sampled (6 streams)

  • Recommendation of mitigation measures for Waste Declassification

SANS 10234 methods for assessment was used to process the results from the Laboratory

The analysis was conducted as follows:

  • Percentage composition analysis was undertaken for each determinant (metals, organics and salts) for each sample. The analysis was undertaken on total concentration and leachate concentration data.

  • Waste classification for the Norms and Standards for the Classification of Waste was performed on the key variables required in terms of the legislation to determine the whether the waste was above or below the various concentrations for chronic or acute toxicity.

  • Water samples were assessed against SANS10234, Department of Water and Sanitation.

  • Effluent discharge Standards and SAN241 Potable Water Standards.


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