RBM Zulti South Legacy Plan

Project Details:
Client: Rio Tinto
Discipline: Social and Sustainability
Category: Mining
Location: Richardsbay
Key project Details: Development of the Local Development of the Expansion of Richardsbay South

July 2019 -Richard’s Bay, KwaZulu-Natal

Hatch, as a service provider to RBM, is committed to making a positive contribution in the local communities that RBM operates in. Hatch then appointed Thero Services to prepare a Legacy Plan, as the Socio-Economic Development consultant on the project. As such, Thero Services was committed to achieving localisation targets as required by RBM on the development of the Zulti South project and its associated infrastructure. The purpose of the Zulti South Legacy Plan was to identify initiatives that would contribute towards RBM’S inclusive supply chain policy, Social Labour Plan, Local procurement, and Employment framework which sought to engage local suppliers/service providers through procuring goods and services within the localised communities.

The Zulti South Legacy Plan sought to provide an opportunity for local suppliers/service providers to grow their capabilities as well as transfer core skills and training. This would ultimately contribute towards sustainable local economic activities, employment generation, business development, capacity building, social improvement, and empowerment within the localised communities. The Legacy Plan primarily focused on the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM) scope of works to achieve the following:

• Contribute towards RBM’S inclusive supply chain policy vision

• Support RBM in achieving inclusive procurement targets for the Zulti South project

• Develop a strategy in line with Hatch’s supplier development programme/s.

The strategy was developed at a high level during the feasibility study phase and became more detailed during the implementation phase of the project which commenced in July 2019.


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