JRA Upgrade of Roads and its Associated Infrastructure

Project Details:
Client: Johannesburg Road Agency
Discipline: Social and Sustainability
Category: Built Environment
Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng
Key project Details: Social Management Services - The construction of the Elias Motsoaledi, Ivory Park Roads and related Stormwater services.

March 2020 – June 2022

Thero Services appointed by the Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA), played a fundamental role as the Social Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement Lead for several crucial projects aimed at upgrading gravel roads in various communities. Our involvement spanned projects such as the below:

  • Ivory Park Phase 4, 5, and 6

  • Elias Motsoaledi

  • Pimville 

One of our primary responsibilities was establishing the project steering committee, which served as a cornerstone for effective community engagement and project oversight. Thero Services operated with a clear mandate to ensure that the communities residing in the project areas experienced tangible socio-economic development benefits throughout the road upgrades.

Central to Thero Services' approach was the development and compilation of project-specific socio-economic analysis reports, social impact assessments, and situational analyses. These comprehensive reports provided critical insights into the demographics, social dynamics, and assets of the wards involved, enabling informed decision-making and tailored interventions. Additionally, Thero Services conducted extensive stakeholder engagement efforts, addressing issues such as encroachments during construction through proactive social monthly auditing. Their commitment to community empowerment extended to the involvement of local contractors and EPWP workers, fostering skill development and economic opportunities within the project areas.

As part of our mandate, Thero Services diligently reported on the social performance of the project, ensuring transparency and accountability in their initiatives. They developed frameworks for employment and SMME participation, fostering local capacity building and economic inclusion. Crucially, Thero Services engaged with a wide range of stakeholders, including ward governance structures, ward councillors, and the general community, fostering a collaborative approach toward project implementation. Through the signing of Memorandums of Understanding and social compacts with respective communities, Thero Services solidified the understanding of roles and responsibilities, establishing a foundation for sustainable development and community ownership of the projects.


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