Lenasia Transit Oriented Development

Project Details:
Client: Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA)
Discipline: Health, Safety and Environmental
Category: Built Environment
Location: Lenasia, Gauteng
Key project Details: Construction of the Lenasia Transit Oriented Development - Intergrated Transport Facilities (Busses, Trains and Mini Bus Taxis) and Non- Motorised

January 2020 – September 2021

The Johannesburg Transit Oriented Development project in Lenasia CBD stands as a beacon of urban renewal, emblematic of the city's commitment to sustainable growth and community empowerment. At its core, this ambitious endeavour seeks to transcend mere infrastructure improvements, aiming instead to catalyse broader regeneration objectives. By fostering a safer and more walkable network, seamlessly integrating places of work and public transport, and strategically connecting pedestrians to a plethora of amenities, the project envisions a vibrant, interconnected urban landscape where residents thrive and flourish.

Central to the success of the Lenasia CBD revitalization is the meticulous oversight provided by Thero Services as the appointed Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) agent. Tasked with ensuring adherence to stringent OHS requirements throughout all project stages, Thero Services embodies a commitment to the well-being and security of all involved. From developing comprehensive OHS and environmental specifications to facilitating key appointments of designers and engineers, and applying and obtaining the Construction Work Permit, their proactive approach ensures that every facet of the development aligns with the highest safety standards, safeguarding both workers and the broader community.

The commendable track record of Thero Services, exemplified by their pivotal role in similar projects for the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), underscores their expertise and reliability. From the Soweto Sandton BRT Feasibility Study to the provision of OHS expertise during the Upgrading of the Gandhi Square East Precinct, which has now been announced for further development under the BRT Phase 1C, their contributions have consistently propelled transformative urban initiatives forward. With their continuous role in JDA projects, it becomes evident that Thero Services remains an indispensable partner in the realization of Johannesburg's vision for inclusive, sustainable urban development.


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