Anglo-American Seshego Library Refurbishment SED Project

Project Details:
Client: Anglo American Polokwane Smelter
Discipline: Social and Sustainability
Category: Mining
Location: Polokwane, Limpopo
Key project Details: Anglo American implementation of a new Wet Sulphuric Acid (WSA) technology at the smelter to reduce SO2 emissions by an estimated 96% in order to deliver the targeted abatement levels at the smelter. - Socio- Economic Development Project Delivery on behalf of Hatch.

October 2018 – June 2019

Thero Services, under the direction of Hatch, the EPCM consultant for the Anglo-American Platinum Polokwane SO2 Abatement project, took charge of an SED initiative. As outlined in their contract, Hatch committed to aiding a social and economic development (SED) project, focusing on the refurbishment of the Seshego Community Library. This endeavour aimed to foster positive community impact and bolster local employment opportunities. Spanning from October 2018 to June 2019, the project received an investment totaling R2,000,000. Thero Services, in alignment with the project's goals, enlisted local labor for various tasks such as paving, painting, cleaning, and landscaping.

Throughout the project duration, Thero Services diligently sourced labor from the surrounding community, effectively fulfilling Hatch's commitment to support local empowerment and stimulate economic growth. This collaborative effort not only revitalized the Seshego Community Library but also served as a testament to the potential for meaningful community engagement within large-scale industrial projects.


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