CONCO Oyster Bay Windfarm

Project Details:
Client: Conco on behalf of Enel Green Power
Discipline: Environmental
Category: Energy
Location: Oyster Bay, Eastern Cape
Key project Details: Construct IPP 132kV substation including switchgear building and civils, OMS Building, 45kM Power cable laying and 132kV overhead line,


Thero Services was entrusted by Consolidated Power Projects with the critical task of overseeing Environmental Officer Services at the Oyster Bay 147MW Wind Farm. Central to their responsibilities was ensuring rigorous compliance with the Environmental Authorisation, Environmental Management Programme, and ISO 14001 standards. Their scope of work encompassed a wide array of tasks, including supervising earthworks for the substation platform, constructing the IPP 132kV substation alongside its switchgear building and associated civil works, and establishing the Eskom 132kV substation, complete with the control building and civil works. Additionally, Thero Services was tasked with constructing the OMS buildings to further support the operational infrastructure of the wind farm.

Moreover, the project entailed extensive trenching and laying of approximately 45km of power cable, facilitating the efficient transmission of electricity across the wind farm. Furthermore, about 5km of 132kV overhead line installation was carried out to connect key components of the power distribution network. Thero Services diligently coordinated these multifaceted tasks, ensuring that environmental standards were upheld while facilitating the successful development and implementation of essential infrastructure for the Oyster Bay Wind Farm.


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PLA Brandvalley Rietkloof Windfarm