Cato ridge Land Development 

Project Details:
Client: Assmang with Zutari
Discipline: Social and Sustainability
Category: Built Environment
Location: Cato Ridge, KwaZulu Natal
Key project Details: Post Mining Planning for the Cato Ridge Land In consultation with local communities (Community Development Planner)


The Cato Ridge Development Company Ltd (CRDC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Assmang (Pty) Limited possesses approximately 1800 hectares in and around Cato Ridge, with plans to unveil around 358 hectares of developable land parcels within the area. The overarching goal is to establish a mega-development featuring diverse land use options to facilitate warehousing, logistics, and support services for dry port activities, aiming to mitigate congestion at the Port of Durban. Embracing principles of green buildings and circular economies, the development endeavours to create a sustainable precinct, ensuring ongoing support for the Port of Durban. Situated within the eThekwini Metro, KwaZulu Natal, the proposed Cato Ridge land development and release project, has appointed Thero Services and Zutari as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) and Socio-Economic Development Consultant. Their role includes overseeing the regulatory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and conducting Socio-Economic Development studies due to the project's nature and scale.

The envisioned warehousing and logistics precinct is poised to catalyse significant commercial growth in the eThekwini Metro and the broader province, with an estimated total investment of R17 billion and the potential to create nearly 29,000 jobs (both temporary and permanent) over its lifespan. Moreover, the Project promises substantial macro-economic benefits for surrounding communities and government revenue through tax generation. Given its magnitude, the Project will unfold gradually over 20-25 years, contingent upon market demand and investor/end-user interest. Additionally, the Project aligns with the Cato Ridge Local Area Plan (LAP) (eThekwini Metro, 2018), consolidating development north of the N3 highway in the Cato Ridge area, in line with community aspirations. Recognized as a Catalytic Project within the eThekwini Metro, the Project stands as a testament to its transformative potential and the positive impacts it will bring to fruition.


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