Manogeng Substation

Project Details:
Client: ESKOM
Discipline: Environmental and Scientific Studies
Category: Energy
Location: Roosenekal, Mpumalanga
Key project Details: Environmental Control Officer (ECO) for the Manogeng Switching Station and the associated transmission lines.

February 2020 – November 2023

Thero Services played a crucial role in the archaeological salvage and exhumation under the appointment by Eskom Holdings SOC, Power Delivery Division (Northern Grid) during the construction of Manogeng Switching Station near Roossenekal in Limpopo Province. Tasked with handling heritage resources and human remains in accordance with South African law such as the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996, and National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 in conjunction with international best practices, Thero Services navigated a complex web of stakeholders, including descendants, government agencies, and religious institutions. Central to the project was the engagement of four families with historical ties to the site, ensuring their wishes and rights were respected throughout the process.

Facilitated by the Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic (CRL) Rights Commission, a tribunal spanning three days was instrumental in addressing the complexities of reparations and ensuring equitable outcomes for the claimants. The outcome from the tribunal instructed Eskom to provide the claimants with R3 500 000, as reparations, for all traditional processes such as Cleansing, Reburial, and Thanksgiving ceremonies to occur. Stakeholders such as the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), Limpopo Heritage Resources Agency (LIHRA), and traditional authorities such as elected Chiefs were actively involved in the engagement process, alongside community representatives and religious organizations like the Zion Christian Church (ZCC). Through meticulous planning and respectful execution, Thero Services successfully reinterred 79 human remains with traditional rites while constructing a heritage monument to preserve and display remaining artefacts, thereby honouring the heritage of the site and the wishes of its descendants.

Furthermore, the project demonstrated a commitment to community empowerment by engaging local laborers, providing economic opportunities, and fostering a sense of ownership and pride among those directly affected by the construction footprint. By prioritizing inclusive stakeholder engagement and cultural sensitivity, Thero Services and Eskom Holdings SOC exemplified responsible corporate citizenship and set a precedent for heritage management projects in South Africa.


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Lethabo Power Station Dust Fallout Monitoring Network