JOSHCO Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme

Project Details:
Client: JOSHCO
Discipline: Environmental and Scientific Studies
Category: Human Settlements
Location: Kya Sands, Alexandra Gauteng
Key project Details: Environmental Developability Assessments and Specialist Scientifc Studies (Heritage, Water, FloodLines, Waste) Upgrading of the Informal Settlements (UISP) of the 4 (Iphutheng, Triangle, Amarasta and Alex 107) Alexandra Informal Settlements.

November 2021 – June 2024

Thero Services' appointment as environmental consultants by the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) for the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (UISP) Phase 3 in Alexandra and Kya Sands, with JOSCHO as the implementing agent, marks a significant step towards sustainable urban development. With a commitment to aligning the upgrading process with the National Housing Code (2009)'s UISP guidelines, the project prioritizes the enhancement of living conditions while minimizing environmental impact. This approach emphasizes in-situ upgrades, ensuring that the communities' existing social fabric remains intact, while relocation is considered only as a last resort, demonstrating a holistic understanding of both human and environmental needs.

In the implementation of Phase 3 of the UISP in Region E, Thero Services undertook a crucial role in conducting environmental feasibility studies, especially for sites like Amarasta which were deemed undevelopable through the screening tool. By meticulously assessing these areas, Thero Services provided valuable insights into the environmental challenges and opportunities, facilitating informed decision-making. Their expertise enabled them to offer a range of alternatives to the client, ensuring that environmental considerations were integrated into the project's planning process from the outset. This proactive approach underscores Thero Services' commitment to sustainable development practices.

Moreover, Thero Services' successful acquisition of environmental authorizations from the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) for key sites like Alex 107, Iphutheng, and Triangle underscores their professionalism and regulatory compliance. In Kya Sands, where a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was necessary, Thero Services conducted comprehensive specialist studies covering aspects such as Biodiversity Impact Assessment, Waste Impact Assessment, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment, and Heritage Impact Assessment. By addressing these multifaceted considerations, Thero Services has not only facilitated the progress of UISP towards implementation but also ensured that the upgrading process aligns with the broader goals of environmental protection and sustainable development in Johannesburg's informal settlements.


Department of Science and Technology and Innovolve- Coalgae Feasibility Study


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