Falsebay Swartklip Campus

Project Details:
Client: False Bay College
Discipline: Social and Sustainability
Category: Educational Facilities
Location: FalseBay, Western cape
Key project Details: Construction of the Falsebay College between Khayelitsha and Mitchels Plain in Western Cape ( Social and Sustainability Specialist)

January 2020 - August 2020

False Bay College enlisted Thero Services, an independent social facilitation team, from January 2020 – August 2020 to oversee the social aspects of establishing the new Swartklip campus. This move aimed to adhere to South African legislation and optimize socio-economic advantages like local job creation and Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (SMME) involvement. The emphasis lies on inclusive, thorough, and transparent stakeholder engagement across all project stages, particularly prioritizing the communities where the False Bay Swartklip Campus is situated.

The signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) involving the client, project team, and the Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain communities’ sub-councils initiated several key performance areas. These include the development of an Employment Framework and SMME Participation Framework for the Construction of the False Bay College SwartKlip Campus, successful implementation of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, establishment and management of a local Grievance process, alignment with all internal and engagement project stakeholders such as Mitchell’s Plain United Residents Association (MURA) and City of Cape Town Watergate Business Forum in Stakeholder Engagement, identification and categorization of additional stakeholders through Stakeholder Mapping (RACI) Chart, and ensuring efficient and effective project steering-committee operations.

Through the implementation of Social Facilitation, False Bay College has effectively fostered an inclusive community ethos, empowering neighboring communities and valuing their input and contributions. The college's objective to recruit and nurture talent from local areas has not only supported local economic development but also facilitated sustainable growth by actively involving the community. By encouraging local participation, the project has yielded tangible economic benefits, enhancing the quality of life for residents and fostering capacity building and labor advancement within the region.


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