Zandspruit Primary School – Grade 7 Learners Farewell Sponsorship CSI - 30 November 2023 – Honeydew 


Thero Services’ corporate social initiative shines brightly through their heartfelt sponsorship and donation towards the Zandspruit Primary School grade 7 farewell. As the students stood on the threshold of a new academic chapter, Thero Services stood alongside, a beacon of support and encouragement. Their presence was not merely financial; it was a testament to their commitment to nurturing the future generation. Before the eager learners embarked on their farewell journey, representatives from Thero Services graced the school with their inspiring presence. With words of wisdom and motivation, they ignited sparks of hope in the hearts of these young minds. Amidst cheers and applause, they celebrated the achievements of these resilient students, singing melodies of triumph and resilience. And then, in a moment that etched itself into the annals of the school's history, Thero Services presented a symbolic giant cheque of R10000, a tangible manifestation of their belief in the potential of each child. This act of generosity not only provided financial support but also infused the atmosphere with a profound sense of possibility and promise. Through their unwavering dedication to uplifting communities, Thero Services has not only transformed a farewell into a celebration of empowerment but has also sown the seeds for a brighter tomorrow, where every child's dreams can flourish and soar.


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